Thursday, November 11, 2010

Christmas list time

So we have made our annual journey to the stores with the kids so that they can make their Christmas lists.

We do this every year, full well knowing that the kids' lists usually can be summed up by "one, maybe two, of everything." Eventually, we whittle some of that down to a list that would easily keep Santa's elves in overtime but is at least a starting point.

Another bonus of the annual trips: it turns into a nostalgic walk for my wife and me, as we take turns reminiscing about toys from our youth. (This year, I was pleased to be able to blurt out, "Barrel of Monkeys! Jenn - Barrel of Monkeys!")

It's usually a fun couple of hours to spend. Granted, the event itself is usually about four hours. But a couple of them are fun. I am sure the rest of the family would enjoy the entire time if I did not run out of shopping gas after hour two.

To make the lists, we hit the various hot spots. And "hot spot" is defined as "having toys." "Super hot spot" is defined as "having toys and Icees."

At one point, we were strolling through our journey when Parker and I had this conversation:

ME: So, if Santa were to put a gift card in your stocking, what store would you want it to be from?

PARKER: Hmmm...

ME: Any store, Parker. You name it...

PARKER: I guess a $300 gift card from Target.

Clearly, Parker believes Santa is firmly in the black this year.

ME: Parker, Santa isn't going to give you a $300 gift card.

PARKER: Fine. $200.

ME: I think we need to have a talk about money.

The big highlight of the trip for me came when we made our way to the Star Wars section. The brilliant marketing geniuses behind Star Wars toys have hit upon absolute gold. They have reintroduced a lot of the toys from when I was a kid, as sort of retro toys. So, as Parker is cruising through "Star Wars: Clone Wars" toys, I am showing my true geekiness by calling to my wife, "LUKE SKYWALKER IN BESPIN FATIGUES! HONEY! LUKE SKYWALKER! IN HIS BESPIN FATIGUES!"

By that point, my wife is about four aisles away, as she is trying to distance herself from me. Her 7-year-old screaming, "BOBA FETT HELMET!" Kinda cute. Her 38-year-old husband? Yeah, not as cute.

The brilliance of the marketing is in its simplicity. A host of 30-somethings grew up playing with these toys and, even as we have grown older, many of us still have a fondness for our Star Wars youth. Now we have kids and get to live vicariously through them. I, for one, am having my direct deposit changed so that part of my paycheck just goes directly to George Lucas. Let's just be honest about how this is going to play out and cut out the middle man.

Eventually, we managed to complete both the kids' lists, and I am pleased to see that both of my children have very expensive and comprehensive tastes. I haven't given it to her yet, but I hope to slip my list to my wife soon. What do you think the chances are I get a Barrel of Monkeys? I can play with them while I wear my Boba Fett helmet.

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